DPIP Managed Portfolios

The Casterbridge DPIP Managed Portfolios features seven different risk-targeted investment profiles. Each is actively managed across different asset classes, featuring both active and passive investments, assembled with the aim of delivering the best possible investment performance. Each portfolio gives you instant access to a wide range of high-quality funds, managed by the most capable fund managers, all within a single investment.

Your portfolio is managed day-in day-out, by an experienced team of managers and analysts who really know their stuff, so you don’t have to. It’s their job to put different funds together to create a portfolio greater than the sum of its parts, capable of delivering returns without taking too many risks. However, as with any investment, there is a chance you could lose money and get back less than you originally invested.

Your financial adviser can explain the risks associated with this investment, as well as help determine the appropriate DPIP Managed Portfolio based on your personal attitude towards risk.

Key Benefits

Key Benefits

Would you like to know more?

If you would like to find out more about our DPIP Managed Portfolios, please speak to your Financial Adviser or, alternatively, contact our team directly on 01722 466110 or email us at hello@casterbridgewealth.co.uk

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"As Head of Operations, I’m responsible for the day to day running of Casterbridge across functions such as finance, IT and HR. I’m involved in the designing and monitoring of policies and processes, overseeing client management and services whilst also creating strategies to improve productivity and efficiency, ensuring exceptional customer service.”
Lisa Cox
Head of Operations

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