Hardy Managed Portfolios
At a time where the Internet and social media are providing customers with abundant, free and easily accessible financial information, client relationships are more important than ever. The Hardy Managed Portfolios have been designed for the Independent Financial Adviser profession, we do the day-to-day fund management, allowing you to spend more time on what your clients really value.
The Hardy Managed Portfolios provide a cost effective investment management service to you and your clients. The portfolios offer you and your clients’ access to the very best asset managers, both active and passive from across the globe, selected by our in-house research team. You have a choice from a number of risk-mapped portfolios to meet your differing client needs.
For clients with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations, we also offer our Sustainable Impact models.
You can access the Hardy Managed Portfolios through one of the platforms from our panel or via our Direct Custody Service.
Key Benefits
- Your clients are your clients and they always will be – you look after the client, we look after their investments.
- Our investment team has over 80 years experience, spanning three decades.
- Independent, Adaptive, Responsive and Agile Investment Management, void of corporate ‘group think’ and legacy baggage.
- Sustainable Impact models for clients with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations.
- Client assets are securely ring fenced at our global custodian – Pershing Securities.
- In-house administration and IFA support team.
- Dynamic Planner ‘Risk Profiled’ and ‘Risk Target Managed’ portfolios.
- Direct Custody Service available.
- Hardy Managed Portfolios on multiple platforms. Novia, Standard Life, Zurich and Quilter.