Bespoke Portfolio Service
Our bespoke portfolio service offers you the highest in investment personalisation for your clients. We will provide your client with a dedicated investment manager, who will build and manage their portfolio on a real-time, day-by-day basis focused on their objectives, goals and aspirations – allowing you to spend more time on what your clients really value.
And for clients that have Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations, we are also able to offer them a number of sustainable investment options matching their individual choices and preferences.
Key Benefits
- Your clients are your clients and they always will be – you look after the client we look after their investments.
- Our investment team has over 80 years of experience, spanning three decades.
- Independent, Adaptive, Responsive and Agile investment management, void of corporate ‘group think’ and legacy baggage.
- A fully personalised bespoke service tailored for your individual client.
- Open access for you and your clients to their named investment manager.
- Sustainable Impact options for your clients with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations.
- Client assets are securely ring fenced at our global custodian – Pershing Securities.
- In-house administration & IFA support team.
"Our in-house research team constantly feed ideas into both formal and informal debates with our Investment managers to help identify potential market opportunities and risks. Combined with our Investment Manager’s experience and flexibility, Casterbridge Wealth offers you a truly independent, adaptive and agile process to meet your client’s financial aspirations”
Jon Smith
Head of research